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[도서] 빅아이엘츠 MASTER 교제 117페이지 수일치 질문입니다.

작성자 : 유기*·등록일 : 2021.10.20·조회수 : 2,554

이전글 다음글



The graph illustrates the numbers of rental and privately-owned cars in New Zealand from 1970 to 2015. For both categories, it is evident that the numbers of cars increased over the years, and the numbers of privately-owned cars remained markedly higher than those of rental cars.


First of all, both categories increased during this time period. In 1970, the total number of privately-cars was 600,000. That number grew by 100,000 at every fifteen-year increment to become 900,000 in 2015. Likewise, the numbers of rental cars grew over this time period from only 100,000 in 1970 to 500,000 in 2015.


Another intriguing detail on this chart is the drastic increase in the number of rental cars between 2000 and 2015. In prior years, the figures for both rental cars and privately-owned cars increased consistently, at 100,000 and 50,000 per each increment respectively. However, between 2000 and 2015, the number of rental cars in New Zealand soared from 200,000 to 500,000, while the growth in privately-owned cars remained the same.




라이팅의 최종답안인데 the number of 와 the numbers of.   the total number of 와 the total numbers of 를 어떻게 구분을 하고 사용을 해야할까요?

시원스쿨 선생님의 답변(2021.10.20)

안녕하세요, 회원님.

the number of A는 A의 숫자입니다.
the numbers of A and B는 A와 B의 숫자들입니다. 즉 A의 숫자도 있고 B의 숫자도 있으니 복수가 되는 거죠.

마찬가지로 the total number of A는 A의 총 숫자,
the total numbers of A and B는 A와 B의 총 숫자들입니다.

도움이 되셨기를 바라며, 목표하신 점수 꼭 달성하시기를 응원합니다!

댓글 0 답글


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