닫기 히트 브랜드 대상 기념
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닫기 GNB좌측롤링배너
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(2021개정) 28시간 토익스피킹 Lv.6 문법 및 질문 봐주세요ㅠ!

작성자 : 홍서*·등록일 : 2021.12.31·조회수 : 736

이전글 다음글

한번에 몰아서 올리는 점 양해부탁드립니다ㅜ! 1. Because it is possible to find a way destination. 2. Because it takes pretty pictures. 3. I don't recharge my mobile phone often. 4. Because there is good at reading books at quiet atmosphere. 5. I can read anywhere at anytime 6. Because there is the quality of product is good. + 앞에서 옷 얘기했는데 product 라고 말하는게 낫나요 아니면 clothes 라고 말하는게 낫나요? 7. I would not recommend department stores in my city to my friends. Because there are not good at take a public transportation. Also, there is nothing near the department stores. 8. I prefer to give a specific item. Because others can feel my heart for them. Also, it is possible yo use various products that others didn't expect. + 질문에 others가 언급되도 답변에 they 표현 써도 되나요?

제이크 선생님의 답변(2022.01.03)

1. Because it is possible to find a way (for my) destination.
2. Because it takes pretty pictures.
3. I don't recharge my mobile phone often.
4. Because there is good at reading books at quiet atmosphere. (it is good to read books in a quiet atmosphere)
5. I can read (books) anywhere at anytime
6. Because there is the quality of product is good. (there is a good quality of products)
+ 앞에서 옷 얘기했는데 product 라고 말하는게 낫나요 아니면 clothes 라고 말하는게 낫나요? - 둘 다 괜찮습니다 ㅎㅎ
7. I would not recommend department stores in my city to my friends. Because there are not good at take a public transportation. (there is 다음에는 명사가 나와야 합니다 ㅠㅠ)
Also, there is nothing near the department stores.
8. I prefer to give a specific item. Because others can feel my heart for them. Also, it is possible yo use various products that others didn't expect. (use의 의미가 불확실합니다.)
+ 질문에 others가 언급되도 답변에 they 표현 써도 되나요? - 네 됩니다!

한번 다시 고쳐보셔요 :D

제이크 드림


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