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IELTS 초급 Writing [Academic] 강의내용을 써 봤는데 맞는건지 확인이 안되니 답답하네요

작성자 : 정주*·등록일 : 2017.05.16·조회수 : 1,134

이전글 다음글

I disagree that having exam is improved to student's level.


The stress from the exam is reduce student's level.


In conclusion, i think that  writing essay or doing presentation is better tham exam.


there are advantage and disadvantage to do working at night..


one of the reasons is that working at night is earn more money than working at day.


In conclusion, Working at overnight get more money but it its harmful to health.


I disagree that taking bicycle on the train but (however) it is fine at sunday.


There are not enough space for bicycle in the train. because many peoples ( commuters ) are in the train.


제가 영작 한것인데 틀린부분 지적좀 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

영어 이제 막 시작했는데 넘 어렵네요 ㅠ.ㅠ

언제 5.5를 받을수 있을지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



김재한 선생님의 답변(2017.05.18)

안녕하십니까! 김재한강사입니다. 우선 질문에 대한 답변이 늦어져서 죄송합니다ㅠ
질문해주신 부분에 대한 수정안을 드리기 이전에, 원하시는 점수는 이제 시작 단계이니 넘 조급해 하지마시고, 수업에 충실히 따라오신다면 분명 얻을 수 있습니다!
1. I disagree that taking exams improves a student's performance.

2. The stress from exams negatively affects a student's performance.

3. In conclusion, I think that writing essays or giving presentations would be better than taking exams.

4. There are advantages and disadvantages of working at night.

5. One of the advantages is that by working at night you can earn more money than you can when working during the day.

6. In conclusion, working at night can help you earn more money, but it’s harmful to your health.

7. I mostly disagree that people should be allowed to take a bicycle on the train, but I think it is fine on Sundays.

8. There is not enough space for a bicycle on the train, because many people (commuters) are usually on the train.

댓글 1


네 답변감사드립니다 ^^

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